First date with Poland women
In Poland, women need you to be yourself during the first date. Another factor is the date’s location. Some perfect places for a date in Poland are:
- Restaurants
- Pubs
- Parks for picnic
The places above are the best for a killer first date. If you want to surprise your partner, such places are perfect. You can also try other ideas if both of you agree.
he typical Stereotype of Poland dating
Dating in Poland has its fair share of stereotypes. Some of the widely generalized things are as follows:
- Poles can’t speak any foreign language.
- Poles always complain.
- Poles don’t like immigrants.
The truth is that Polish people are relaxed, speak languages like English, and love other nationalities.
Basic facts about dating in Poland
Most Polish women are friendly and care for their loved ones. Some facts about dating in Poland are:
- Polish women love men that lead the relationship.
- Knowing the Polish culture is good for scoring points with Polish women.
- Foreigners are much welcome to date Polish women.
Also, women love having fun in night clubs. Keep that in mind for your nightlife with a Polish woman!